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Conductive Keratoplasty (CK)
Routine Eye Exams

Conductive KeratoplastySM (CK)

About CK
Conductive Keratoplasty (CK) is the only vision procedure specifically designed for patients over 40 for the temporary reduction of farsightedness. Introduced in 2002 after five years of successful clinical trials in the US and abroad, CK has proven to be a safe, effectivealternative to laser surgery. This section will provide an overview of the procedure, its radiofrequency (RF) technology and indications.

How Does CK Work?
If you've been afraid of surgery, but still want to reduce your dependence on glasses, CK may be the right choice for you. It's a quick procedure with no cutting involved. You don't even have to go to an outpatient surgery center. It can be performed in a little as three minutes in your doctor's office.

What is CK?
Conductive Keratoplasty (CK) can change how the eye focuses light by reshaping the cornea to treat farsightedness. It uses a controlled release of radiofrequency (RF) energy to heat and shrink corneal tissue, which steepens the cornea. This steepening creates a safe and predictable modification to the topographical (surface) curvature of the cornea for the temporary reduction of farsightedness.

Is CKSM Right for Me?
Conductive Keratoplasty(CK) is intended for people with farsightedness (clinically termed "hyperopia"). CK is not intended for people with nearsightedness (clinically termed "myopia"). All patients considering vision correction should undergo a complete examination by a doctor prior to the procedure.

Candidates for CK must meet the following criteria:

Be over 40 years of age
Have hyperopia between +0.75 to +3.00 diopters
Not have had previous vision surgery
Not have had any significant changes in vision for one year
Not have any chronic eye disorders
Not be pregnant or nursing
Not have any chronic illness or disease







How the procedure is performed
CK uses a pen-shaped instrument with a cool tip as thin as a human hair. After application of a topical anesthetic (i.e., eye drops), your doctor will apply radiofrequency (RF) energy in a circular pattern. This pattern is along the periphery of the cornea and therefore minimizes interference with your line of sight. A device called a "speculum" is inserted to hold your eye open during the procedure. CK is considered painless. Once finished, you don't have to wear a patch and can usually return to work the next day. Vision begins improving in about a week's time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Conductive Keratoplasty (CK) permanent?
CK is for the temporary reduction of farsightedness. No matter what type of procedure is performed, our eyes inevitably change as we age. CKSM can turn back the clock on farsightedness, but it cannot stop the clock.

Is CK reversible?
As with most vision correction procedures, CK is not reversible. Once the procedure has been performed, it is not possible to "remove" the effects of the procedure. This is an important factor that anyone thinking about surgery should carefully consider. To make sure CK is right for you, seek the advice of your doctor.

Will my vision improve immediately after surgery?
Patients usually notice an immediate improvement in their vision after the CK procedure.However, it usually takes several weeks for the eyes to reach the final level of correction.

Will my vision fluctuate after the procedure is performed?
Most patients will experience mild fluctuation in their vision after surgery, but many will never notice it. Any fluctuation will usually subside within a few weeks. Patients who undergo vision procedures for farsightedness usually require a longer stabilization period than those treated for nearsightedness.

How soon will I be able to return to work?
With CK, the majority of patients are able to return to work and other normal activities the day of their procedure. Although recovery is fairly quick, it is advisable to be careful with your eyes and avoid any strain. Those whose jobs demand intense clarity of vision (such as dentistry, surgery, or computer work) may find their work more difficult to perform for several days after having the procedure.

What will I feel during the procedure?
CK is considered painless. You will be aware of a support (speculum), which helps to hold your eye open. The most common sensation that patients experience is a feeling of pressure on the eye. After surgery, there may be some mild discomfort. Many patients complain of a foreign-object sensation or a slight "scratchiness" in the eye. This sensation usually subsides within 24 hours of the procedure.

What type of anesthesia is used during CK?
A local anesthetic in the form of eye drops is used to numb the eye. Some patients who are very nervous and have a high level of anxiety about the procedure will be given a mild sedative to help them relax.

Why doesn't CK use a laser?
Lasers reshape the cornea by vaporizing (removing) tissue. CK reshapes the cornea using an entirely different method: the application of low-level, radiofrequency (RF) energy to specific spots around the cornea. This causes the tissue of the cornea (collagen) to shrink in a very controlled way, creating a constrictive "band" that gives the cornea a steeper shape.

What are the risks and side effects of CK?
Because CK is minimally invasive and very controlled, the procedure has very few potential complications. During the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery, you may experience tearing and some discomfort, including a foreign-object sensation in the eyes. You may also experience a slight over-correction of your vision, allowing you to see better up close, though your distance vision may be blurry. This will stabilize during the following weeks.

Are there restrictions after having CK?
As with any other type of vision procedure, certain precautions should be taken after CK. Patients should avoid getting contaminated water in their eyes for at least one week. This includes water from swimming pools, spas, lakes, and the ocean. When showering or taking baths, patients should keep their eyes closed to avoid getting soap and dirty water in them. When exercising, sweat should be kept out of the eyes for at least a week after surgery. Also, patients should avoid rubbing their eyes vigorously for two weeks following the procedure. Females should also avoid applying eye makeup for one week after surgery.

Will I ever need glasses or contacts again?
The vast majority of patients do not need corrective lenses of any kind after the CK procedure. However, depending on your age and the type of refractive disorder you have, you may need additional vision correction (surgery, reading glasses or bifocals) at some point. This is because your eyes continue to change as you age, no matter what vision procedure you use.

Will my health insurance cover the cost of the procedure?
Because CK is elective surgery (cosmetic), most health insurance plans do not cover it. Financing options are available to make CK more affordable. For more information about financing, ask your eye care professional.

If you would like to find out more about CK, please visit Wills Laser Vision.