LASIK surgery through Wills Laser Vision at Princeton helps athletes stay on their A-game
According to the Vision Council of America, an estimated 75% of adults use some sort of vision correction – either glasses and/or contact lenses – to correct near-sightedness, far-sightedness, astigmatism, or another vision-related condition. But as many athletes know, these common methods of vision correction aren’t ideal for supporting maximum performance in any given sport.
Whether it’s because their eyeglasses fog up in inclement weather, create obstructed views, can’t be worn underwater, or get knocked off or scratched, or their contacts get dirty, irritated, torn, or lost during play, corrective lenses can interfere with and undermine an athlete’s performance.
For all of the above reasons, the experts at Wills Laser Vision at Princeton – a Princeton-based practice that’s been delivering comprehensive eye care to the central New Jersey community for over 40 years – confirm that LASIK surgery is an outstanding alternative to corrective lenses that can truly help athletes stay on their A-game.
“Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis,’ or LASIK, is a corrective surgery that offers freedom from prescription eyewear and all of the inconveniences associated with it,” shared Dr. Suzanne Jadico at Wills Laser Vision at Princeton. “LASIK offers athletes a customized, convenient, safe, and long-lasting vision solution that won’t interfere with their sport.”
A procedure that uses a laser to permanently change the shape of the cornea (the clear covering of the front of the eye), LASIK surgery can treat myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (far-sightedness), and astigmatism (blurred vision) – the most common conditions requiring vision correction.
According to Dr. Jadico, prospective LASIK patients would begin their journey with a complimentary consultation to determine their candidacy for LASIK based on such factors as their age, eye health, and, most importantly, their individual eye shape. “During the evaluation, we’ll review the patient’s refractive error (glasses or contact lens prescription), analyze the eye’s ability to focus, measure the corneal shape, curvature, and thickness, and assess the tear film composition and volume, because it’s critical that their eye shape can safely support the necessary corneal sculpting required to correct their vision,” she said.
A quick and painless procedure that takes about 20 minutes to complete, LASIK is one of the most common refractive surgeries performed today. While it can’t necessarily address vision issues that come as a function of the aging process (for example, those who have had LASIK surgery may still require reading glasses as they get older), it delivers clear vision immediately after a painless procedure with few to no side effects. For that reason, hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. opt for LASIK surgery every year and never look back!
A Trusted Leader in LASIK
Many patients have come to rely on LASIK surgery at Wills Laser Vision at Princeton, a state-of-the-art refractive center, that has been designated as a “Center of Excellence” by the world-renowned Wills Eye Hospital of Philadelphia based on its superior surgical skills. All of the surgeons at Wills Laser Vision at Princeton come from the Princeton Eye Group and are Board-certified and renowned for their extensive experience, credentials, and expertise in the LASIK arena and each offers personalized, complimentary consultations to determine whether patients are optimal candidates for LASIK or other refractive procedures.
“Better vision and freedom from the restrictions of corrective lenses are just a phone call or visit away,” said Dr. Jadico who encourages those who play sports to consider the long-term benefits to their athletic performance and lifestyle that LASIK surgery can offer. Wills Laser Vision at Princeton may be reached at (609) 924-9200 or you may visit their website, to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consultation and start down the path towards a safe, effective, and permanent approach to vision correction.