Many in Department Have Had LASIK Vision Correction at Princeton Eye Group
One by one, several members of the Plainsboro Police Department have made the decision to have LASIK vision correction done by Drs. Stephen Felton and Michael Wong at the Princeton Eye Group. When asked why so many police have opted for this procedure, Captain Tim Metheny explains, any glasses wearer who has ever made traffic stops during the summer has had the experience of having glasses fog up when you step out of an air-conditioned police car into hot, muggy weather.”
Patrolman Steven Stryker says much the same thing. Glasses can be a problem when its raining, too. You have to take them off to dry them. And any moment when you cant see is a potential problem. In addition, glasses could be a danger if you need to break up a fight. Its not likely to happen, but its something you think about.”
The decision to have LASIK,” Matheny notes, was a relatively easy decision. Detective Sergeant Richard Furda, the first one in the department to have the procedure performed at the Princeton Eye Group, had extensively researched the LASIK options. He was like a poster child for LASIK: blind as a bat without glasses the day before, and sharp-eyed the next day. Next, Lieutenant Liz Bondurant had LASIK. She, too had a great experience. If the Princeton Eye Group was right for them, I knew it would be right for me.”
Stryker was even more cautious. He waited until after Matheny and a few other members of the department had had the procedure. At this point, even the department chaplain have had LASIK vision correction.
Metheny views LASIK as a major convenience. Strictly speaking, I didnt need LASIK to perform my duties. Certainly its nice not needing to put protective goggles over glasses at the shooting range, but its not a necessity. In fact, LASIK has made a much greater difference in my personal life than in my work life.”
Metheny enjoys sports such as jet skiing and scuba diving. Previously, he had the experience of losing expensive prescription dark glasses while on a jet ski. Now, he can buy sunglasses anywhere.
While Furda and Bondurant were instantly comfortable with their new vision, it took a while before Metheny was completely comfortable with the change. I have extremely sensitive eyes,” he explains, thats why contacts didnt work for me. In addition, I had an astigmatism, so the correction Dr. Michael Wong performed was a little more complex than average.”
For both Stryker and Metheny, consulting with their ophthalmologist was essential. Talking with Dr. Wong was what sold me on LASIK. He tells you straight up whats involved, and hes done enough of them.”
I could have found,” adds Metheny, some doctor who would do LASIK for less; but these are my only eyes. They cant be replaced. I chose the Princeton Eye Group because they had already gotten great results for people in the department.”